Recommendations for Breast Augmentation Recovery

As with other procedures, breast augmentation or breast lift requires certain care, especially during the first few days after surgery.

This is one of the main concerns that women have, before deciding whether or not to carry out the procedure.

When can I go back to work? what about my sporting activities?, how to take care of stitches and bandages?, do I have to wear a bra? These are just some of the questions women ask themselves before deciding to have breast augmentation.

In this respect, in Evoclinic, the Cosmetic Clinic in Tijuana, offers everything that is require to face this change.

For this reason, we provide the patient with all the necessary information about what recovery is like after breast augmentation, with the relevant recommendations.


It is clear that the body needs to recover from this procedure, which involved placing of an implant. As in any other procedure, the surgical area needs rest during the first days.

It should be clarified that it is not a matter of not making any movement with the arms, but that the movements should be made with precaution and slowly.

By not forcing the operated breasts, healing will be much easier. On the one hand, it will ease the formation of the capsule around the implant and, on the other hand, it will avoid the accumulation of liquid in the area, as well as the movement of the implant.

Moreover, a good rest will quickly decrease the swelling caused by the procedure on the breast.

Unwanted movements

It is key that, in the post-operative period, the woman wears a comfortable bra and, sometimes a breast band. This way, the implant will be kept in its position while the scar heals.


After the procedure, the skin of the breast is more stretched, due to the volume of the implant and the inflammation caused by the intervention.

This sudden distension, which is greater in poorly elastic skin and large implants, along with the continued use of the bra, can lead to increased dryness and tightness of the skin, which can cause itching and irritation.

For this reason, keeping the skin hydrated will considerably improve this dryness and irritation of the skin, preventing the formation of stretch marks.

Scar treatment

During the first days after the procedure, it is important to clean the area with antiseptics, to keep the skin clean and hydrated.

As the weeks go by, patient will be able to start using gels, silicone patches or special creams, to keep the scar flat and elastic.

At this point, it is important not to use cosmetic products during the first few days, because they can damage the operated area.

The importance of the bed

During the first few days of rest, it is vital to sleep with the headboard of the bed slightly elevated, in order to reduce the inflammation caused by the procedure.

It is also essential to sleep on your back, so that your breasts do not suffer any discomfort.

Massages that help recovery from the procedure

Massages with lymphatic drainage are very important in the process of breast augmentation recovery.

With this treatment, the return to normalty is ease, reducing swelling and postoperative discomfort.

Such a procedure will allow women to return to work, in less than a week after the intervention.

Sun exposure

It is not new that the sun, is the main enemy of recent scars, so it is key to avoid being exposed after the procedure.

At this point, it is very important to avoid sun exposure to the scar. After that time, you should always wear sunscreen on so that you do not have any problems.


First of all, it is necessary to avoid physical activities for at least one month. Sometimes, depending on the sport and how the procedure was performed, this indication can last up to three months.

In the same way, for an optimal recovery, it is key to avoid as much as possible, the work of the pectoral muscle with weight, until the wound is completely healed.

These are some of the most important recommendations to recover the breast area after the procedure. As you will see, they are not difficult actions or care, therefore you will be able to face the intervention without concerns.

Keep in mind that our specialized medical team will help you at all times, so that you can have a highly successful procedure and subsequent recovery.

That is why we accompany you from the first moment you enter the clinic, until the whole process is completed.

In this last point, we have outstanding professionals, with the best recommendations for breast augmentation recovery. 

If you would like to know if you are a candidate to perform a breast lift or breast augmentation, click on our test and find out!