To make your cosmetic surgery more affordable, we offer a wide variety of payment options. You can pay in cash at the clinic, by credit or debit card (Visa and/or MasterCard), or by PayPal.

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  1. Select the area where your payment should be sent in “Department” and choose the payment concept.
  2. Add your transaction amount.
  3. Click on “Pay with PayPal” or if you do not have a PayPal account “Debit or Credit Card”

And you will be redirected to PayPal. Your transaction will be safe and fast! 

Logo Paypal - Vectores y PSD gratuitos para descargar


*Items marked * are required.

NOTE: By using the PayPal service from our website you accept the payment terms and conditions expressed in the Evoclinic Policies.

  • You do not need a PayPal account to pay.
  • The amount to pay is customizable.
  • Payments are secure and backed by PayPal.
What does the cost of the surgery include?
  • Surgical fees
  • Hospitalization expenses
  • Anesthesia and Anesthesiologist
  • Preoperative Analysis: Laboratory Tests and EKG – Cardiologist Evaluation – (The EKG is performed in patients over 40 years of age)
  • Medical Care (Nurses)
  • Three months of free consultations and follow-up visits after surgery



  • Special compression garment (if applicable)
  • Medications (antibiotics and analgesic treatment)
  • Overnight in Clinic or Hotel (if applicable)