In recent years, no other cosmetic procedure has been more popular than breast augmentation. Ever since the powerful comeback by implants, this procedure has surpassed every other cosmetic intervention to take the top spot.
Many women express how much their life changed thanks to their breast implants.
If you would like to know if you are a candidate to perform a breast augmentation, take this test to find out.
The breast augmentation does not only consist of the procedure. There’s a whole recovery process afterward, that’s part of this. It’s important to be informed about what you’ll need to do after the intervention and the caring it requires.
It’s important to mention that, since there are different types of breast augmentation procedures and each woman’s body is different from the other, the recovery period will vary from woman to woman.
However, most surgeons agree that the full recovery period lasts about six weeks and most women feel fine in about a week.
To help shed some light unto what this recovery period might mean for you, here’s some information about the most common characteristics of this process.
What to expect just after the breast enhancement procedure
The process normally takes two to three hours, and you can go home on the same day. Right after, your breasts will likely be covered with gauze and a special support bra.
You should get plenty of rest after the intervention as it is incredibly taxing on the body. You will most probably feel very tired and sore for the following days.
Typically, the first three to five days are the most uncomfortable. Most patients will experience light to moderate pain from two to three days after the breast enhancement procedure.
The use of a special bra and compression bandages is highly recommended, as they can reduce the discomfort and protect the area.
You should only remove the bra or compression bandages to take a bath. After it, you need to put it on immediately, for the following days.
About a whole day after the procedure you may remove the dressings on your breasts or the sterile strips.
It’s completely normal to feel the breasts and nipples numb, and the area around it, for the following days after the procedure. Additionally, the chest area may feel tight, as the skin adjusts to the implants.
Normally, you will be able to take a bath 24 hours after the breast augmentation process. However, bath water, swimming pools, hot tubs, whirlpools, lakes, oceans, and any other type of still water should be avoided.
What to expect three weeks after the intervention
As we previously mentioned, the recovery process varies from person to person, but most people get back to normal in about a week.
Your breasts will likely be swollen and sensitive for about a month or longer. You should refrain from high impact activity and exercises that raise the pulse or blood pressure. You should also avoid an extensive use of the arms and chest.
After a whole week you should be encouraged to slowly get back to exercising and carrying with your normal routine.
Two weeks after the procedure you should be able to perform all your daily activities without any pain. However, you should still continue to avoid normal exercise.
After four weeks following the breast improvement intervention, you should be able to begin normal exercise, but still avoiding any type of activities that target the chest.
Six weeks after the procedure normally represents the end of the recovery process. You should be able to exercise without restraints, sleep on your abdomen and sides, and wear any bra of your choice. The implants should have fully settled by this point.
Tips for a good and quick recovery
To help reduce the pain and speed up healing, it is strongly recommended that you invest in one or two recovery or special bras, since they are designed to maximize comfort and provide implant stability.
Prepare your house for the recovery period. This means, you should prepare your meals, your wardrobe and your house chores, so that you can fully rest. It’s also recommended to fill your pain prescriptions beforehand.
Even better would be to ask a friend or loved one to assist you during the first week of recovery. If you have small children, note that you will not be able to pick them up, so plan for assistance as much as you can before the intervention.
Get lots of rest and sleep, as your body will ask you for it and it will improve the recovery process. Remember to sleep on your back and stock your bed with many pillows, so that getting in and out of your bed is as easy as possible.
It’s very important to attend to every post-op appointments with your plastic surgeon. He will give you the definitive guide with what to do’s and what not to do’s during your recovery. If you have any issues or experience any complications, you should contact him immediately.
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